Whoever thought of the eighteen holes in golf did a great job. That is a substantial sum.
They were flawless. There are days when you feel like you can keep going after finishing a round, and days when it is a marvel you made it through the back nine.
Having said all of that, one daring golfer played 18 holes, then 18 more times, and then a couple additional holes just to be safe. Even writing that out wears me out.
Pace Johnson—whose name could not be more fitting—managed to collect funds for College Golf Fellowship by playing 283 holes at Sunnyside Country Club in Fresno, California, in a single day. Starting soon before 6 a.m., he had already dug 100 holes by 1 p.m. Michael S. Kim, a PGA Tour winner and Johnson’s friend, explained everything.
My good friend Pace Johnson is doing the Geno, as many holes as he can play in a day challenge! He started at 545am pst and is on his 100th hole atm. He’s raising money for College golf fellowship. Many are doing $1/hole. I’ll keep this thread updated. He’s got caddies and…
— Michael S. Kim (@Mike_kim714) July 25, 2024
Johnson attempted the Geno, and the rest of us just went along. It is unclear how he shot a 67, looked fantastic doing it, and then continued to play another dozen or so rounds.
I hope Pace Johnson is able to take a nap, have a big sandwich, and press the snooze button soon. This golf legend is the one who most deserves some rest.
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